His name: His holy name is ((MOHAMMAD))The holy prophet of Islam(PEASE BE UPON HIM)chose.
it for him and said:Mahdi*s name likes my name and he likes me very much in treat to other people and
be kindly to popular poeple abd etc.THE holy prophet in this sayings wantsto says that Mahdi -a person
..will many next years after him
Father’s name:His father is imam HASSAN- E-ASKARI.(eleventh imam for Muslims)
Mother’s name:His mother was((NARJES)).Narjes was daughtar of one of the king*ssons-the king of ((RUM))
Born year:He borns in 834 A.D .
Born place:He borns in SAMARRA(in Iraq( and in his father’s house.
- Imam-e-zaman is the twelveth imam for
-Muslims and he was in absence from his child
-times.And his long absence continued now.And it isn’t going to finish without ALLAH permit.
He is the end Pedeemer for mankind. And he is someone who just he can reclaims mankind of
opression and spoil.Because of it Muslims have much value for him.
He has many sobriquts.For example: MAHDI- MANSOUR- SALEH and etc.
نظرات شما عزیزان:
برچسبها: mahdiwho is mahdiemam zamanMANSOURSALEHetc